I'm a girl from West Seattle who married a boy from Spokane, and together we are living our life with our sweet children, James and Juliet

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

all i want for christmas

Santa is bringing J this adorable Skip Hop owl. We have a few of their other owl/bird toys and Juliet loves them. Well, I actually love them, but she finds them entertaining.

He is also bringing this color play drum.

Now to narrow down the toy list. Sigh.

christmas helper

This is 1/3 of Juliet's Christmas Day outfit.

Pretty sure this is going to be the best Christmas ever.

Monday, November 29, 2010

moving on up

Yesterday I had to buy size two diapers for my love. Again I have some mixed emotions, but I can say that with each new change it gets easier and I now know that I get more and more exited as she grows. I no longer want to hang on to each day and I actually look forward to her next moves.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

oh, christmas tree

Juliet's first almost decorated tree. I'm still deciding on a color scheme-light bright blue, light pink, sparkly white or sea green bulbs to go along with my champagne colored ones. Leaning towards a pink or white. Decisions, decisions.

first mail

This week Juliet received her first piece of mail. (Please note the return address!) I love the fact that her name is handwritten.

Who might this letter be from? Why just President Obama and his lovely First Lady! I am so thrilled that her letter is from this particular President.

My thoughts exactly.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

12 weeks

My love is 12 weeks today.

J is rocking her new 3-6 months sweater (Old Navy) and leggings (Baby Gap). I was sad to pack up a lot of her first clothes, but excited to get her next set going because she has so many cute outfits!

Friday, November 26, 2010

it's beginnng to look a lot like christmas

Today we started the day at Bakery Nouveau-the best way to begin your day! I seriously do not think there is anything better to eat on earth than their twice baked chocolate croissants accompanied by their hot cocoa. Yes, I basically had dessert for breakfast.

Then we headed to the tree lot to get Juliet's first Christmas tree! I debated about starting a tradition of chopping down our own tree, but in this case instant gratification won out. B picked up one grand Noble Fir and we were sold. Seriously the quickest tree picking ever! B said now he isn't sure how to improve for next year. (Every year he likes to get better and better at picking trees, getting them in the stand, etc.)

We decorated at home while listening to Christmas music and now our house smells so good. Juliet loves admiring the Christmas lights. Definitely her mother's daughter.

For dinner we headed to Metropolitan Market to buy all the fixings for Thanksgiving leftovers. It might have been the best turkey dinner ever. We decided to buy Thanksgiving leftovers every year we are in Seattle. Once J was snuggling in her bed dreaming of sugar plum fairies we watched Love Actually, one of our favorite Christmas movies. It really doesn't get much better than this.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Johnny, Brian, Juliet and I rode the ferry to Pauli and Ethan's house in Silverdale.

 Juliet's first ferry ride!

 Our hosts.
 Hudson hiding in the storage ottoman. He ran every time he saw me with the camera.
 Some of the boys.
 Brian and Sadie doing a little singing.
 Story time with uncle Donny! He made the kids laugh by reading the wrong words to the story.
 Sadie passed out.
 All the nephews and nieces love uncle Garrett.
 Nothing like a little whip cream sprayed into your mouth to complete Thanksgiving dessert.
 Gavin gets very serious when it comes to pumpkin pie.
Hudson still trying to hide from me
Grandma and her sweet Sadie.
 Paulie loves the babies!
 Stella always gives me a fun pose for the camera.
 Our youngest babes.
 Our family.

Passed out after her first Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010



Literally, less than one minute after I published the post before this, the doorbell rang and my package was delivered!!! Picturing me beaming :)

good and bad news

Bad news first. My adorable wall decor was delivered to my old, old address. The Etsy seller used an address I had saved on Paypal from way back in the day. My attempt to redirect with the USPS failed. Now I just have to hope the renters return the package asap. Sigh.

Good news! DwellStudio, my favorite shop for children's clothes and decor now has wallpaper! Again, no way in heck that I can convince B to put up wallpaper in a house we will only be in for a few more years, but I am saving this image for future use. I think this would go perfectly with J's bedding and curtains. Or it could be fun if we ever have a playroom.

Our goal is to build a house in W. Seattle. We love to drive around and find empty lots and scour the online sales for our future home. Empty lots are hard to come by here in W. Seattle, so I don't mind a little remodeling, but B really wants to start fresh. I already have my floors, kitchen, bathroom sink and part of a floor plan picked out.  Now I can add children's wallpaper to the list.  It might be scary how many wished items I accumulate by the time we actually move!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

we've had a breakthrough

This week Juliet finally started smiling more! We no longer only get the 4 am smiles. It must be the holidays that are approaching. That and her Daddy. She was loving him tickling her this afternoon. And yes, my baby is still in her pajamas in the afternoon. The snow just made us want to stay all warm and cozy today.

baby its cold outside

We ventured out today in the snow! B and I walked down to Cafe Ladro with our sweet girl in tow.

 J loved looking around at all the people in the coffee shop.

Then she passed out, of course.