I'm a girl from West Seattle who married a boy from Spokane, and together we are living our life with our sweet children, James and Juliet

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Johnny, Brian, Juliet and I rode the ferry to Pauli and Ethan's house in Silverdale.

 Juliet's first ferry ride!

 Our hosts.
 Hudson hiding in the storage ottoman. He ran every time he saw me with the camera.
 Some of the boys.
 Brian and Sadie doing a little singing.
 Story time with uncle Donny! He made the kids laugh by reading the wrong words to the story.
 Sadie passed out.
 All the nephews and nieces love uncle Garrett.
 Nothing like a little whip cream sprayed into your mouth to complete Thanksgiving dessert.
 Gavin gets very serious when it comes to pumpkin pie.
Hudson still trying to hide from me
Grandma and her sweet Sadie.
 Paulie loves the babies!
 Stella always gives me a fun pose for the camera.
 Our youngest babes.
 Our family.

Passed out after her first Thanksgiving.

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