I'm a girl from West Seattle who married a boy from Spokane, and together we are living our life with our sweet children, James and Juliet

Monday, November 22, 2010


This morning we woke up to Juliet's first snowfall!

And here is what it looked like a little bit later. We accumulated about 2 inches.

Obviously we had to try on one of our snowsuits.  I was a little worried J wouldn't like it, but she was a good sport. This wasn't the heavy duty one. I'm saving that for our ski trip next month. It is pink and lined with faux fur of course.

 "Where did my fist friends go?!"

After getting Juliet all bundled up, strapped in the carseat and buckled into the car, I had second thoughts about taking her out of the house because it was just too darn windy. So I got B to take a break from working (luckily he was working from home), so I could run an errand. B said she passed out in the process of bringing her upstairs and out of her carseat. (Camera phone photo, boo.)

Sometimes it is a tough life being Momma's fashionista.

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